This fish has relatively large scales, a long body, and a tapered tail, with the dorsal and anal fins extending all the way to the small caudal fin, with which they are nearly fused. It can grow to a maximum size of around 36 inches or more in captivity. In the wild, it has been known to reach over 48 inches in length. Unlike the Black arowana, Silver arowanas have the same coloring throughout their lifespan.
The species is also called monkey fish because it of its ability to jump out of the water and capture its prey. It usually swims near the water surface waiting for potential prey. Although specimens have been found with the remains of birds, bats, and snakes in their stomachs, its main diet consist of crustaceans, insects, smaller fishes and other animals that float on the water surface, for which its draw-bridge-like mouth is exclusively adapted for feeding.
Arowana are sometimes called Dragon Fish by aquarists because their shiny armor-like scales and double barbels are reminiscent of descriptions of dragons in Asian folklore.
The Silver Arowana is currently not listed on any CITES appendix [1] nor on the 2004 IUCN Red List.[2] It is one of the most popular ornamental fish from South America, however, and therefore its conservation status merits attention.[3]
As reported by Environment News Service in August 2005, shared use of the Silver Arowana population was a cause for a dispute between Brazilian and Colombian authorities. Juvenile Silver Arowanas are caught in Colombia for sale as aquarium fish, while the people of Brazilian Amazonia catch adult fish for food. A sharp drop in the number of arowanas had caused Brazilian authorities to prohibit fishing of them between September 1 and November 15; the Colombians, on their part, would prohibit capturing them between November 1 and March 15. [4]
The Silver Arowana is often kept as a pet by experienced aquarist, being considered an accessible substitute for the Asian arowana, which is listed on CITES Appendix I and is therefore difficult and expensive to obtain legally.

Any aquarium housing an arowana should be tightly covered because of these fishes' jumping behavior.
Silver Arowana prefer soft water with a pH level between 6.0 and neutral. Strong filtration is necessary for these large carnivores. Commercially available black water additives can help simulate the Silver Arowana's natural habitat, although they can adapt to most water supplies and thrive. A 25-30% water change, siphoning waste and other detritus, is necessary 1-2 times every week to maintain excellent water conditions. The water temperature should range from 24°C (75°F) to 28°C (82°F), with the ideal about 26°C (79°F).

Silver Arowana can be kept with other freshwater fish as long as they are too large to fit in the arowana's mouth and can tolerate the arowanas active-swimming lifestyle. Many people like having more than one Arowana in the tank; in this case, hobbyists recommend keeping at least 5 to 6 in the tank at a time because Silver Arowana are very aggressive towards each other.
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